Acrylic Painting Tips and Tricks for Beginners

Acrylic painting tips and tricks for beginners can help take you from a beginner painter who is new to painting to an intermediate painter that is confident and makes wonderful paintings. If you are a beginner painter and want to know Acrylic painting tips and tricks for beginners then keep reading! 

Acrylic Painting Tips and Tricks for Beginners - Colour Mixing 

To move from a beginner acrylic painter to an intermediate painter you need to understand colour mixing. A lot of beginners will use paint straight out of the tube and paint large sections of their paintings with that colour from the tube. This makes your paintings look flat and fake. 

If you want to create realistic and interesting paintings then you need to mix colours and practice mixing colours. You can learn about mixing colours in this video! 

You can also watch my video about mixing green

 and mixing grey

acrylic painting tips and tricks for beginners

Colour mixing can be something that you keep practicing and eventually you will be able to create any colour with paint! 

Acrylic Painting Tips and Tricks for Beginners - Highlights and Shadows 

The next acrylic painting tips and tricks for beginners is to capture highlights and shadows. Again, this helps make a painting look more realistic. Everything has a light source whether it is the sun (a natural light source) or an artificial light source like a lamp. Whatever side is closer to the light source will have a  highlight and will be brighter and lighter and the side that is further away will be the shadow and will be darker. 

Even when you are painting a landscape there are parts of grass that are brighter because they are in the sun and there are parts that are darker because they are in the shade. 

Acrylic Painting Tips and Tricks for Beginners -Vary Your Brushstrokes 

Another acrylic painting tips and tricks for beginners  is only using the same brushstroke over and over. There are tons of brushstrokes you can use. I even made a video about it. Brushstrokes help create texture and capture the realness of what you are painting. It’s important to add different textures so your painting isn’t flat and boring! 

If you loved these acrylic painting tips and tricks for beginners then you will love my FREE 16 page guide. Be sure to download it by clicking the button below! You will receive 7 more tips for acrylic painting tips and tricks for beginners  and a roadmap of recommended videos to help you become a better acrylic painter FASTER! 

acrylic panting tips and tricks for beginners